FAQ: Should My iOS and Android App UIs Be The Same?
Clients and prospective clients often come to us with similar questions. One of the top ones is "should my iOS and Android app UIs be the same?" Here's our hot take. »
Clients and prospective clients often come to us with similar questions. One of the top ones is "should my iOS and Android app UIs be the same?" Here's our hot take. »
Is React Native the holy grail of cross-platform mobile development? Here are two steps you can take to find out if that's the case for your app. »
AndroidX was announced in May of this year and is becoming more mature each month. We're starting to see libraries migrate to AndroidX so we'd also need to migrate to keep using the latest versions. As a result, we decided it was time to take the plunge. »
These are just a few simple examples on how Koin can help with Android development, particularly making Architecture Component ViewModels more concise. Setup is quick and easy, and adding it to an existing application can be done relatively painlessly. »
This photo has nothing to do with either RX or LiveDataDisclaimer: I'm no Reactive Extensions [http://reactivex.io/] (RX) expert. I'm simply »