Rocket Insights recognized by the Financial Times

It’s about to get real prestigious in here.

[Removes hooded sweatshirt. Puts on fancy sweatshirt.]

We’re excited to announce that Rocket has been named to the Financial Times list of Americas’ Fastest Growing Companies for 2021. We are ranked 97 out of 500 companies in this year’s list, meaning we ranked higher than companies like Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Uber. Bananas?


How is that possible? Well the list, compiled with the help of research firm Statista, ranks companies by compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in revenue between 2016 and 2019. So while our revenues are slightly less than those giants above, our annual growth rate is actually higher over the last three years.

Also, no big surprise, but the tech sector accounts for 28% of the overall list. And we’re proud to be part of that fast-growing group.

This is the second annual FT Americas ranking, and according to the FT it “offers a snapshot of the relative strength of companies as they entered the pandemic - and points to those likely to have the resilience to emerge from the crisis in good health.”

You can check out the full list of 2021 companies here. And be on the lookout for another cool trophy in our Newburyport office as we bask in this honor.