Death to NPS (or why we love Clutch)

When we started Rocket, we agreed that we needed some way to measure the quality of our work. It's easy to measure if we came under budget, or finished the project on time, but what's the best way to measure the quality of the work?

We all come from product companies who use NPS as a way to measure quality & customer satisfaction. Putting aside my personal fatigue with NPS polls, it didn't seem appropriate for Rocket. SaaS companies have thousands of clients - we have dozens - and NPS falls victim to false results at a small scale.

We wanted to have an impartial, 3rd party service interview our clients, without us being in the room. We thought this would be the most accurate way to measure the quality of our work. Last year, we found (and joined) the ratings and review platform, Clutch. We decided that Clutch would be the perfect way to measure our work. Not only do they handle client feedback, they also measure your presence in your market, past clients, team size, and specialties. They evaluate companies like Rocket from all angles.

So, how did it work out?

It was absolutely the right choice. Clutch has been the perfect tool for us to continually check if we're doing a good job. See below:

Not too shabby for a small company!

In just a short period of time, we're competing in the "Market Leader" quadrant, we have the highest ratings of our peer group AND it nabbed us one of the top spots in their coverage of Boston Mobile App Development Companies.

Not only was it the right decision for us to try something different, but it had a positive impact on our business. When was the last time an NPS survey brought you leads?

In closing, NPS is still a valuable tool at scale but we encourage you to try services like Clutch for your own industry. It's a good way to collect client feedback to make your organization better and who knows, you might get some leads out of it!

You also get cool "stickers" for your website like the one below. :)

That's one to grow on.